Main financial supporters of DEV-AID’s are international and national bodies such as: BfdW – Bread for the World, Germany; HEKS – Swiss Protestant Aid, Switzerland; US Embassy Tirana, Albania; Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, Albania; Regional Directorate of Public Vocational Training No.1 and No. 4 Tirana, Albania; Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana, Albania;
The Social Partners Network composed from NGO-s, Business, Employers Organizations, Trade Unions, Government Structures, initiated and stabilized from DEV-AID since the start of previous year, has become a main point of reference towards the integration of the trainees through employment. 6 big round tables are held and the collaboration between all members has given a great and measurable contribution in professional and social integration of vulnerable groups. Except the daily interaction and experience shared between the members of the network aiming a better market oriented VT and a better integration of the vulnerable groups in the market, the network members have shown also social good will on join the forces to collaborate in different activities such as; informational activities within different groups; together participation in campaigns and voluntary lives; sharing experienced staff between each other on better assisting the target group; etc.
DEV-AID also put a strong focus of being part of other national and international networks. 7 mandates are assigned for the participation of DEV-AID as an associated member in future project under ERASMUS+ in different EU countries. Two of them are actually ongoing. Through this mandates DEV-AID was part of a study visit organized by Polish Ministry of Economy and Labor in Warsaw, on exploring different forms of support of NGO-s and Public Institutions working with youth, with the scope to establish new partnership for future projects, focusing on chances and opportunities for intercultural dialogue, future transitional cooperation and join activities. Also thanks to this cooperation started in the second half of the year 2014, DEV-AID has become a partner organization of the network of EPTO Peer Forum, Belgium for the purposes of participating in the project “Cultivating capacities for quality peer training”. Basically, DEV-AID’s role as a partner is to recruit participants in its network in Albania to be part of trainings on quality on peer education on different EU countries.
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