Project: “Establishment of Climate Friendly Schools in Tirana!” – Phase 2

Time: 3 Years (1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025)

Partners: Ministry for Environment Energy and Climate Protection of the Niedersachsen Federation – Germany; Bread for the World (BfdW) – Germany.

Implementation partners: DEV-AID Organization, Tirana. The Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, Tirana Municipality, Primary Education of Administrative Unit of Kashar-Tirana, Administrative Unit of Kashar-Tirana

Assisting partners: The Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, Tirana Municipality, Primary Education of Administrative Unit of Kashar-Tirana.

Main Goal: Empowering the new generation in coping with difficulties arising from climate change.


Objective 1: Establishment of Environmetal and Climate Friendly Schools.

Objective 2: Replication of the same model in other schools.

Objective 3: The local community will be friendlier towards the environment as a result of children’s actions and engagement.

Project summary:

Since the beginning of 2020, DEV-AID has started implementing the project “Establishment of Climate Friendly Schools in Tirana”. The second phase of the project was launched in January 2023.

In this second phase, we aim to expand the “Establishment of Climate Friendly Schools in Tirana” model in three additional schools nearby by implementing the innovative program that began in January 2020 and afterwards applied for three years in other schools of the Kashar Administrative Unit.

These are the schools that will benefit during the following project phase:

9-year school Yrshek (Yrshek)

9-year school Katund i Ri (Katund i Ri)

9-year school Kus (Kus)

The purpose of this project is to turn these schools into “Climate Friendly Schools” models.

Project activities:

Indicators related to objective 1:

  • Cycle of informative activities/workshops on “Environmental and climate education”
  • Placement of distinct bins for waste separation and recycling
  • Cycle of activities/workshops for waste separation and recycling
  • Exhibitions for the community with pupils’ works created during recycling workshops
  • Creation of green spaces in schoolyards and the cycle of informative and practical activities/workshops: “Bio-diversity and cultivation of organic products”
  • Cycle of activities/workshops for “Bio-diversity and cultivation of organic products”
  • Cycle of informative and practical activities/workshops “Using alternative energy and assembling a simple solar panel for heating in indoor conditions”
  • Emblem of  “Climate Friendly Schools”

Indicators related to objective 2:

  • Establishment of a Climate Friendly Committee (Eco-Group)
  • Ecological Groups Periodic Meetings
  • Cycle of informative activities for members of Ecological Groups to become delivers of this model in other schools and in the community
  • Community awareness meetings and open discussions.
  •  Environmentally friendly community clubs.